Angèle Bilodeau


Professeure chercheure titulaire, Département de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montréal

Champs d’intérêt: 

Recherche interventionnelle, recherche évaluative, planification publique, action intersectorielle, action en partenariat, innovation sociale

Sélection de communications et publications: 

Di Sante, M., Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Potvin, L.. (2023). Formalizing local intersectoral practices: a case study of an initiative targeting language development. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 47(2), 95-108,

Bertrand, L, Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Di Sante, M., Potvin, L. (2023). Les pratiques de l’action intersectorielle locale pour l’équité en santé : Étude du cas Quartier nourricier de la Corporation de développement communautaire Centre-Sud à Montréal. Global Health Promotion. À paraître.

Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Martin, N., Di Sante, M., Bertrand, L., & Potvin, L. (2022). A midrange theory of local cross-sector action based on the actor-network theory. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100199, doi:

Larouche A, Bilodeau A, Laurin I, Potvin L (2021). Health promotion innovations scale up: combining insights from framing and actor-network to foster reflexivity Health Promotion International: 1–10. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab0261,2,3,4

Bilodeau A, Laurin I, Clavier C, Rose F, Potvin L (2019). Multi-Level Issues in Intersectoral Governance of Public Action: Insights from the Field of Early Childhood in Montreal (Canada). Journal of Innovations Economics & Management 3 (30): 163-190. doi: 10.3917/jie.030.0163

Bilodeau A, Kranias G. (2019). Self-Evaluation Tool for Action in Partnership: Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Original Quebec French Tool to Canadian English. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 34 (2): 192-206.
doi: 10.3138/cjpe.43685

Bilodeau A, Galarneau M, Lefebvre C, Potvin L. (2019) Linking process and effects of intersectoral action on local neighbourhoods: systemic modelling based on Actor-Network Theory. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(1): 165–179. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.12813

Bilodeau A, Laurin I, Giguère N, Potvin L. (2018). Understanding challenges of intersectoral action in public health through a case study in early childhood programmes and services. Critical Public Health, 28; 225-236. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2017.1343934

Bilodeau A, Potvin L. (2018). Unpacking complexity in public health interventions with Actor-Network Theory. Health Promotion International, 33 (1): 173-181. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw062 Published on line : 02 August 2016.