Professeure adjointe, Département de nutrition, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Chercheure, Centre de recherche en santé publique
Chercheure, groupe de recherche TRANSNUT
Nutrition en santé publique et des populations. Promotion de la santé. Environnements alimentaires et systèmes alimentaires locaux. Inégalités sociales de l’alimentation et insécurité alimentaire.
Mercille G, Richard L, Gauvin L, Kestens Y, Shatenstein B, Daniel M, Payette H (2016). The food environment and diet quality of urban-dwelling older women and men: Assessing the moderating role of diet knowledge. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 107, 34-41.
Mercille G, Richard L, Gauvin L, Kestens Y, Payette H, Daniel M (2013). Comparison of two indices of availability of Fruits/Vegetable and Fast-Food Outlets. Journal of Urban Health, 90(2), 240-245.
Mercille G, Richard L, Gauvin L, Kestens Y, Shatenstein B, Daniel M, Payette H (2012). Associations between residential food environment and dietary patterns in urban-dwelling older adults: Results from the VoisiNuage study. Public Health Nutrition, 15, 2026-2039.
Mercille G, Receveur O, Potvin L (2012). Relationship between household food insecurity and women's self-efficacy in food preparation in a Canadian Aboriginal community. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 73, 134-140.
Mercille G (2008). A realist approach to the systematic review. In L Potvin, & DV McQueen (Eds.), Health Promotion Evaluation Practices in the Americas: Values and Research (pp. 81-100). New-York: Springer.