Catherine M. Jones


Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar

Diplomée du doctorat en 2018, Institut de recherche en santé publique (IRSPUM)

École de santé publique, Université de Montréal (ÉSPUM)

Champs d’intérêt: 

Politiques publiques, gouvernance mondiale, santé dans toutes les politiques (HiAP), promotion de la santé, action intersectorielle.

Fonction principale ou champ d’études: 
Étudiante au doctorat en santé publique- Diplômée en 2018
Sélection de communications et publications: 

Jones C.M. (2018) The transnational governance of global health : Norwegian and Swiss cases of national policies on global health (Thèse de doctorat). Université de Montréal.

Jones C.M. 2014. What could research on national policies on global health reveal about global health governance? An illustration using three perspectives. Journal of Health Diplomacy, 1(2).

Jones C.M. & Potvin L. 2014. Characterising global health as a national public policy issue: reflections on roles for health promotion in global health. Oral poster presentation at the 2014 Canadian Student Health Research Forum, Winnipeg : June.

Jones C.M., Rivard M., Bernier J. & Potvin L. 2014. Reflections on challenges related to categorising tools for health promotion practice: considerations for developing online inventory of tools. Poster presentation at Public Health 2014 (CPHA conference), Toronto: May.

Potvin L. & Jones C.M. 2011. Twenty-five years after the Ottawa Charter: the critical role of health promotion for public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 102(4): 244-248.