Professeure chercheure titulaire, Département de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montréal
Recherche interventionnelle, recherche évaluative, planification publique, action intersectorielle, action en partenariat, innovation sociale
Di Sante, M., Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Potvin, L.. (2023). Formalizing local intersectoral practices: a case study of an initiative targeting language development. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 47(2), 95-108,
Bertrand, L, Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Di Sante, M., Potvin, L. (2023). Les pratiques de l’action intersectorielle locale pour l’équité en santé : Étude du cas Quartier nourricier de la Corporation de développement communautaire Centre-Sud à Montréal. Global Health Promotion. À paraître.
Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Martin, N., Di Sante, M., Bertrand, L., & Potvin, L. (2022). A midrange theory of local cross-sector action based on the actor-network theory. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100199, doi:
Larouche A, Bilodeau A, Laurin I, Potvin L (2021). Health promotion innovations scale up: combining insights from framing and actor-network to foster reflexivity Health Promotion International: 1–10. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab0261,2,3,4
Bilodeau A, Laurin I, Clavier C, Rose F, Potvin L (2019). Multi-Level Issues in Intersectoral Governance of Public Action: Insights from the Field of Early Childhood in Montreal (Canada). Journal of Innovations Economics & Management 3 (30): 163-190. doi: 10.3917/jie.030.0163
Bilodeau A, Kranias G. (2019). Self-Evaluation Tool for Action in Partnership: Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Original Quebec French Tool to Canadian English. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 34 (2): 192-206.
doi: 10.3138/cjpe.43685
Bilodeau A, Galarneau M, Lefebvre C, Potvin L. (2019) Linking process and effects of intersectoral action on local neighbourhoods: systemic modelling based on Actor-Network Theory. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(1): 165–179. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.12813
Bilodeau A, Laurin I, Giguère N, Potvin L. (2018). Understanding challenges of intersectoral action in public health through a case study in early childhood programmes and services. Critical Public Health, 28; 225-236. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2017.1343934
Bilodeau A, Potvin L. (2018). Unpacking complexity in public health interventions with Actor-Network Theory. Health Promotion International, 33 (1): 173-181. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw062 Published on line : 02 August 2016.