
Reconceptualising implementation evaluation: The genealogy of a nutrition-based school program Bisset, S ., Potvin, L . Health Education Research (22(5):737-746) 2007 CONSULTER
Two roles of evaluation in transforming health promotion practice Potvin, L ., & Goldberg, C . Health promotion in Canada . Critical perspective, Second edition M. O'Neill, A, Pederson., S. Dupéré & I. Rootman (eds.), Toronto : Canadian Scholar's Press (pp. 347-360) 2007
Understanding place and health: A heuristic for using administrative data Frohlich, K.L., Dunn, J. R., McLaren, L., Shiell, A., Potvin, L ., Hawe, P., Dassa, C., & Thurston, W. E. Health & Place (13: 299-309) 2007
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 7 CACIS 2007 CONSULTER
Avaliação comunitária : conflitos verticales e ambiguidades metodologicas Zúñiga, R. & Laperrière, H . Avaliação de Programas e Serviços de saúde : enfoques emergentes Bosi, M.L. & Mercado, F. (eds), Petropolis : Editora Vozes 2006
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 6 CACIS 2006 CONSULTER
Community Empowerment for the Primary Prevention of Type 2 diabetes: Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) ways for the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project Macaulay AC, Cargo M, Bisset S, Delormier T , Lévesque L, Potvin L , McComber AM Indigenous Peoples and Diabetes: Community Empowerment and Wellness. Ferreira M L and Lang GC (Eds). Carolina Academic Press. Durham NC (pp 407- 458) 2006
Community empowerment for the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes: The Kahnawake School Diabetes Prevention Project Macaulay, A. C., Cargo, M ., Bisset, S ., Delormier, T ., Levesque, L., Potvin, L ., & McComber A. M. Indigenous peoples and diabetes: Community empowerment and wellness (pp. 407-434). Indigenous peoples and diabetes: Community empowerment and wellness (pp. 407-434). M. L. Ferreira & G. C. Lang (eds.), Durham NC: Carolina Academic Press 2006
Deux rôles joués par l'évaluation dans la transformaton des ratiques en promotion de la santé Potvin, L ., & Goldberg, C . Promotion de la santé au Canada et au Québec, perspectives critiques, M. O'Neill, S. Dupéré, A. Pederson, & I. Rootman (eds.) Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval 2006
Évaluation de la planification du Programme de subventions en sécurité alimentaire Bilodeau A . Montréal : Direction de santé publique, Agence de santé et de services sociaux de Montréal (monographie de 72 p.) 2006
Housing as a socio-economic determinant of health. Findings of a National Needs, Gaps and Opportinity assessment Dunn, J. R., Hayes, M. V., Hulchanski, J. D., Hwang, S. W., Potvin, L . Canadian Journal of Public Health (97: S11-S15) 2006
How local actors operationalise the ecological model. Health Promotion Practice Mendell, A., Gendron, S . , & Potvin, L . 2006
Inventory and Linkage of DataBases for Studying the Relationships between Place and Health in Urban Settings (Phase I) Potvin, L ., Hawe, P., Gauvin, L., Robitaille, E., Frohlich, K. L., McLaren, L., & Dassa, C. Rapport au Canadian Population Health Initiative 2006 SOURCE
L'évolution récente de la promotion de la santé dans trois provinces canadiennes, dans Promotion de la santé au Canada et au Québec – Perspectives critiques Bernier, Nicole F . sous la direction de Michel O'Neill, Sophie Dupéré, Ann Pederson et Irving Rootman Les Presses de l'Université Laval (chapitre 11 (adaptation en français d'un chapitre rédigé en anglais) ) 2006
La collaboration école- famille – communauté et les mesures innovantes de soutien à la réussite scolaire en milieu défavorisé. Le cas Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Gagnon F., Bilodeau A . , Bélanger J. Montréal : Direction de santé publique, Agence de santé et de services sociaux de Montréal. (monographie de 40 p.) 2006 SOURCE
La investigación evaluativa en el movimiento social del contexto sociopolítico y sociocultural. Los desafíos metodológicos de la urgencia de las acciones sociosanitarias en regiones alejadas Laperrière, H. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal] ([37 párrafos], 7(4), Art. 6) 2006 SOURCE
La politique de santé publique et les aspects sociaux de la santé : vers un management technoscientifique de l'État providence québécois? Bernier, Nicole F . Lien social et politiques, no 55 (Numéro spécial intitulé : La santé au risque du social) 2006
Learning in Collective Kitchens in Three Canadian Cities Engler-Stringer, R . Berenbaum, S. Food and Nutrition-Related Can J Diet Prac Res (67(4); 178) 2006
Quebec 's Approach to Population Health: An Overview of Policy Content and Organization Bernier, Nicole F . Journal of Public Health Policy (27:1, 22-37) 2006
Reconceptualising implementation evaluation: The genealogy of a nutrition-based school program. Health Education Research Bisset, S ., Potvin, L . Advance Access. Impact Factor (1.303) 2006 CONSULTER
Réflexion sur la pratique infirmière avancée en soins communautaires dans le contexte de vulnérabilité. L'Infirmière Clinicienne Laperrière, H . (3 (1)) 2006 SOURCE
Structuring an inter-sector research partnership: A negotiated zone. Reply to commentaries. Sozial- und Präventivmedizin Bernier, J., Rock, M., Roy , M., Bujold, R., & Potvin, L . (51: 352-353) 2006 SOURCE
Structuring an inter-sector research partnership: A negotiated zone. Sozial- und Präventivmedizin Bernier, J., Rock, M., Roy , M., Bujold, R., & Potvin, L . (51: 335-344) 2006
Taking evaluation contexts seriously: A cross-cultural evaluation in extreme unpredictability Laperrière, H. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation ((JMDE: 4), 41-57) 2006 SOURCE
The social context of smoking: the next frontier in tobacco control? Tobacco Control Poland , Blake D., Katherine L. Frohlich, Rebecca J. Haines, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Melanie Rock , and Robert Sparks (15(1):59-63. doi:10.1136/tc.2004.009886 ) 2006 SOURCE
Três posturas ontológicas concernentes à natureza dos programas de saúde: implicações para a avaliação Potvin, L ., Gendron, S ., Bilodeau, A . Avaloaçao qualitative de programas de saude. MLM. Bosi & FJ. Mercado (eds.) Enfoques emergentes. Petropolis , Brazil : Vozes Editorial 2006 CONSULTER
Understanding the social context of school health promotion program implementation. Health Education Cargo M, Salsberg J, Delormier T , Desrosiers S, Macaulay. Health Education (106(2):85-97) 2006
We don't want to manage poverty': Community groups politicize food insecurity and charitable food donations. Promotion & Education Rock, Melanie International Journal of Health Promotion and Education (8(1): 36-41 DOI : 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.01.014) 2006 CONSULTER
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 5 CACIS 2006 CONSULTER
Au-delà des structures : la coordination des politiques en santé publique Bernier, Nicole F . et Nathalie Burlone HealthCare Policy / Politiques de santé 2005
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 4 CACIS 2005 CONSULTER
Cadres de collaboration des approches participatives en recherche : recension d'écrits Marlène, D. 2005 CONSULTER
Classifying diabetics, or, commensurating bodies of unequal experience Rock, M. Public Culture (17(3): 467-486) 2005 CONSULTER
Collective Kitchens in Canada : A Review of the Literature Engler-Stringer, R , Berenbaum, S. Can J Diet Prac Res (66(4); 246) 2005
Diabetes portrayals in North American print media: A qualitative and quantitative analysis Rock, M. American Journal of Public Health (95(10):1832-1838) 2005 SOURCE
Evaluation Steering Committee of the Démarche-Action Montreal-Nord. Rapport Intérimaire de la Démarche-Action Montreal-Nord Goldberg C. 2005
Figuring out diabetes: Reckoning kinship and the causes of sickness through genetic research Rock, M. Anthropology & Medicine (12(2):115-127. DOI: 10.1080/13648470500139890) 2005 CONSULTER
From walkability to active living potential. An “econometric” validation study Gauvin, L., Richard, L., Craig, C. L., Spivock, M., Riva, M., Forster, M., Laforest, S., Laberge, S., Fournel, M. C., Gagnon, H., Gagné, S., Potvin, L . American Journal of Preventive Medicine (28 (2S2): 126-133) 2005 SOURCE
Impact of a diabetes prevention program on body size, physical activity and diet among Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk) children aged 6 to 11 years: Eight-year results from the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Pediatrics Paradis, G., Lévesque, L , Macaulay A. C., Cargo, M ., McComber, A., Kirby, R., Receveur, O., Kishchuk, N., Potvin, L . (115(2): 333-339) 2005 SOURCE
Integrating social theory into public health practice Potvin, L ., Gendron, S . , Bilodeau, A ., & Chabot, P. American Journal of Public Health (95 (4) , 591-595) 2005
L'intégration de la promotion et de la prévention dans les systèmes de santé Potvin, L . , Avargues, M-C., Berghmans, L., Bilodeau, A ., Bourdages, J., Brunelle, Y., & Hartz, Z. Promotion & Education (supplément 3 : 94 pages) 2005 SOURCE
La pérennisation des programmes de promotion de la santé en entreprise est-elle possible? Le cas de quatre entreprises privées québécoises de travailleurs cols bleus. Bilodeau A ., Filion G., Labrie L., Bouteiller D., Perreault M. Revue canadienne de santé publique (96 (2), 114-120) 2005
Les conditions de réussite de l'intersectorialité aux niveaux régional et local / Conditions required for successful inter-sectoral collaboration at the local and regional levels Bilodeau A . Promotion & Education (supplément 3 , 20-22.) 2005 SOURCE
Les dispositifs de la participation aux étapes stratégiques de l'évaluation Bilodeau, A ., Allard, D., Gendron, S . , & Potvin, L . Revue canadienne d'évaluation de programmes 2005 CONSULTER
Program Resilience and Policy Trajectories: Understanding the Recent Evolution of Health Promotion in Canada's Provinces Bernier, Nicole F . Health Promotion in Canada, sous la direction de Michel O'Neill, Ann Pederson, Sophie Dupéré, Irving Rootman, W.B. Saunders (25 pages) 2005
Program sustainability begins with the first events. Evaluation & Program Planning Pluye, P. , Potvin, L . , Denis, J-L., Pelletier, J., & Mannoni, C. (28: 123-137) 2005 SOURCE
Reconstituting populations through evidence-based medicine: An ethnographic account of recommending procedures for diagnosing type 2 diabetes in clinical practice guidelines Rock, M. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness & Medicine (9(2):241-66. DOI:10.1177/1363459305050587) 2005 SOURCE
Social theory and the renewal of the foundations of contemporary public health practice Potvin L., Gendron S., Bilodeau A ., Chabot P. American Journal of Public Health (95 (4), 591-595) 2005
Towards a social epidemiology perspective on physical activity and health: The aims, design and methods of the Longitudinal Physical Activiy Study (PALS) Craig. C L., Gauvin, L., Cragg, S., Kartzmarzik, P. T., Stephens, T., Russel, S. J., Keast, M., Bentz, L., & Potvin, L . Journal of Phsyical Activity and Health (3: 272-284) 2005
Understanding the dimensions of socio-economic status that influence toddlers' health: Unique impact of lack of money for basic needs in Quebec 's birth cohort Séguin, L., Xu Q., Gauvin, L., Zunzunegui, M. V., Potvin, L . , Frohlich, K. L. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (59: 42-48) 2005 SOURCE
Unpacking the black box: A deconstruction of the programming approach and physical activity interventions implemented in the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Health Promotion Practice Levesque, L., Guilbault , G., Delormier, T ., Potvin, L . (6(1): 64-71) 2005 SOURCE
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 3 CACIS 2005 CONSULTER
aking public health programs last: Conceptualizing sustainability . Evaluation and Program Planning Pluye, P., Potvin, L . , Denis, J-L. (27 (2): 121-133) 2004
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 2 CACIS 2004 CONSULTER
Community coalitions and health promotion : Is it that important to develop or not an interorganisational network? Pluye, P ., Potvin, L ., & Pelletier, J. Promotion & Education (11(1): 17-23) 2004 SOURCE
Family process and parent's leisure time physical activity. American Journal of Health Behavior Soubhi, H., Potvin, L ., & Paradis, G. (28(3): 218-230) 2004
Housing as a socio-economic determinant of health: a Canadian research framework. In Housing & health Dunn, J. R., Hayes, M., Hulchanski, D., Hwang, S., Potvin, L . Research, policy and innovation, P. Howden-Chapman & P. Carrol (eds.) Aotearoa , New Zealand : Steele Roberts (pp. 12-39) 2004
How Health Care Reform Impacts Social Policy and Social Redistribution Bernier, Nicole F . Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale (no 52, pp.51-66) 2004
Intégration des personnes atteintes de problèmes de santé mentale dans le secteur de Pointe-aux-Trembles Manon Crevier, Louise Fournier & Pasquale Roberge 2004 CONSULTER
L'exigence démocratique de la planification participative: le cas de la santé publique au Québec Bilodeau A ., Allard D., Francoeur F., Chabot P. Nouvelles Pratiques sociales (17 (1), 50-65) 2004
La définition d'un nouvel espace socio-sanitaire : impacts des partenariats entre le système de santé et a société civile. Gendron, S ., Mantoura, P . Rapport d'étape . Rapport de recherche. Montréal 2004
La définition d'un nouvel espace sociosanitaire : impacts des partenariats entre le système de santé et la société civile Mantoura, P ., & Gendron, S . Université de Montréal: CACIS 2004
Legitimising diabetes as a community health issue: a case analysis of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention project. Health Promotion International Bisset, S . L ., Cargo, M ., Delormier, T . , Macaulay, A. C., Potvin, L . (19 (3): 317-326. ) 2004 SOURCE
Legitimizing diabetes as a community health problem: A case analysis of an Aboriginal community Bisset, S ., Cargo, M., Delormier, T ., Macaulay, A.C., Potvin, L . Canada . Health Promotion International (19:317 – 326. Impact factor : 1.159) 2004
Les prestations de compassion: une solution anémique à des besoins criants Bernier, Nicole F . 2004 CONSULTER
Numbered days, valued lives: Statistics, shopping, pharmacy and the commodification of people Rock, Melanie Values and Valuables: From the Sacred to the Symbolic , edited by Cynthia Werner and Duran Bell. Society for Economic Anthropology Monographs, Vol. 21 Walnut Creek , CA : AltaMira Press, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. (selected by the editors on a competitive basis and reviewed by two external reviewers) 2004 CONSULTER
Pour améliorer la qualité des milieux de vie :Intervenir de façon intensive et intégrée CACIS Mémoire présenté par la Chaire dans le cadre de la consultation publique sur le Plan d'urbanisme de la Ville de Montréal 2004 SOURCE
Program sustainability : Focus on organizational routines Pluye, P ., Potvin, L ., Denis, J-L., Pelletier, J. Health Promotion International (19(4): 489-500) 2004
Bulletin - Liaison CACIS Numéro 1 CACIS 2004 CONSULTER
A Report on Women Self Help Groups in Kerale state, India: a Public health Perspective Mohindra, K.S. 2003 CONSULTER
Activity Implementation as a Reflection of Living in Balance: The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project Delormier T , Cargo M, Kirby R, and McComber A. Pimatziwim: Journal of Health in Aboriginal and Indigenous Communities (1(1): 45-163) 2003
Activity implementation as a reflection of living in balance: The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Pimatiziwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indiginous Community Health Delormier, T ., Cargo, M ., Kirby, R., McComber, A., Rice, J., Potvin, L . (1(1): 145-163) 2003
Community governance of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project, Kahnawake Territory , Mohawk Nation Cargo, M., Levesque, L . , Macaulay, A. C., McComber, A., Desrosiers, S., Delormier, T ., Potvin, L . , and the KSDPP Community Advisory Board Canada . Health Promotion International (18 (3): 177-187) 2003
CPHI Workshop on Place and Health: Synthesis Report McLaren, L., Hayes, M., Potvin, L ., & Hawe, P. Ottawa, Canadian Institute for Health Information 2003
Deaths, taxes and the Midas touch of Mary Tyler Moore: Accounting for promises by politicians to help avert and control diabetes Rock, Melanie . Medical Anthropological Quarterly: International Journal of the Analysis of Health (17(2):200-232) 2003 SOURCE
Effects of low income on infant health Séguin, L., Xu, Q., Potvin, L . , Zunzunegui, M-V., Frohlich, K. L. CMAJ 2003 (168: 1533-1538) 2003
Implementation evaluation of software to assist with program planning in health promotion Lovato, C., Potvin, L ., Lehoux, P., Proulx, M., Chiasson, M., Mulligan, D., Tremblay, M., Gariépy, E., Dingwell, G., Green, L. W. Promotion and Education (10 (3): 120-126) 2003
Implementing Participatory Intervention and Research in Communities: Lessons from the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project Potvin, L ., Cargo, M., McComber, AM., Delormier T ., and Macaulay AC. Social Science and Medicine (56 (6): 1295-1305) 2003
Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project (KSDPP) Community Advisory Board. Community governance of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project, Kahnawake Territory , Mohawk Nation Cargo M, Levesque L, Macaulay AC, McComber A, Desrosiers S, Delormier T , Potvin L . Canada . Health Promotion International (18:177-187) 2003
Le désengagement de l'État providence Bernier, Nicole F . 2003 CONSULTER
Pauvreté et santé des enfants québécois. Étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec Séguin, L., Xu Q., Potvin, L ., Zunzunegui, M-V., Frohlich, K. L., Dumas, C. ((ÉLDEQ 1998-2002); Vol 2 (3), 19-43) 2003
Primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes: Experience of 2 Aboriginal communities Macaulay, A. C., Harris, S., Levesque, L., Cargo, M., Frod, E., Salsberg, J., McComber, A., Fiddler, R., Kirby, R., Hanley, A. J. G., Potvin, L . , Zinman, B., Gittelsohn, J., Phillips, K., Receveur, O. Canada . Canadian Journal of Diabetes (26(3): 464-475) 2003
Social Disparities and Involvement in Physical Activities: Shaping the Policy Agenda in Healthy Living to Sucessfully Influence Population Health Gauvin, L. 2003 SOURCE
Sweat blood and social suffering: Rethinking cause-effect relationships in diabetes, distress and duress Rock, Melanie . Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness (22(2):131-174. DOI: 10.1080/01459740390203454) 2003 CONSULTER
valuability assessment: A tool for incorporating evaluation in social change programs. Evaluation Thurston, W. E., & Potvin, L . (9(4): 453-469) 2003
A theoretical and empirical analysis of context: Neighbourhoods, smoking and youth Frohlich, K . L. , Potvin, L ., Chabot, P ., Corin, H. Social Science and Medicine (54: 1401-1417) 2002
Education, health promotion, and lifestyle and social determinants of health and disease Green, L. W., Potvin, L . Oxford Textbook of Public Health Fourth Edition, R. Detels, J. McEwen, R. Beaglehole, & H. Tanaka (Eds.) Oxford : Oxford University Press (pp. 113-130) 2002
Évaluation de la fiabilité et de la validité d'un instrument de mesure de l'activation communautaire Dieudonné, J., Berre, M., Potvin, L. Revue canadienne de santé publique (93: 271-275) 2002 SOURCE
Inégalités sociales de santé: un partenariat de recherche et de formation Potvin, L. , Lessard, R., Fournier. Revue canadienne de santé publique (93: 134-137) 2002 CONSULTER
Integration of the ecological approach in tobacco programs for youth: A survey of Canadian public health organizations Richard, L., Potvin, L . , Denis, J-L., Kishchuk, N. Health Promotion Practice (3: 397-409) 2002
La pauvreté de nos jours : réflexions sur la pandémie du diabète de type 2 Bernier, Nicole F . 2002 CONSULTER
Le social-communautaire comme prisme révélateur des inégalités de santé: au-delà du débat composition versus contexte Potvin, L . 2002 CONSULTER
Les seuils de faibre revenu et les controverses sur la mesure de la pauvreté Bernier, Nicole F . 2002 CONSULTER
Making youth tobacco control more ecological: Organizational and professional profiles Richard, L., Gauvin, L., Potvin, L . , Denis, J-L., Kishchuk, N. American Journal of Health Promotion (16: 267-279) 2002
Model of competence: A conceptual framework for understanding the person-environment interaction for persons with motor disabilities Rousseau, J., Potvin, L ., Dutil, É. & Falta, P. Occupational Therapy in Health Care (16: 15-36) 2002
Splendour and misery of epidemiology for evaluation of health promotion Potvin, L ., Chabot, P. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (5 (suppl. 1) 91-103) 2002
Théories qui émergent du quotidien de la pratique communautaire de l'ergothérapie Hébert, M ., Maheux, B., Potvin, L . Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy (69 (1): 31-39) 2002
Youth smoking initiation: disentangling contextual from compositional effects Frohlich, K . L., Potvin, L . , Gauvin, L., Chabot, P. Health and Place (8: 155-166) 2002
Evaluation in health promotion. Principles and perspectives Rootman, I., Goodstadt, M., Hyndman, B., McQueen, D. V., Potvin, L ., Springett, J., & Ziglio, E. Copenhague: WHO regional publications. European series (No 92) 2001 SOURCE
Le partenariat, comment ça marche? Mieux s'outiller pour réussir Bilodeau A, Lapierre S, Marchand Y. (2003) Direction de santé publique, Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre (Montréal, Canada.)
